After Life

After Life by Coni Ciongoli Koepfinger, directed by Joan Kane. The show opened August 12th in the 2017 Unfringed Festival at The Secret Theatre in Long Island City, NYC and September 7 in The Voir Dire Project at Theater for the New City. 


After Life turns the apocryphal Biblical story of Adam and Eve upside down and inside-out. We are introduced to a dystopian society you might describe as being the opposite of the Garden of Eden. In a post-apocalyptic Americorp, two characters, Tag and Talker, find each other roaming and scavenging outside a corporate Reforming Institute, hiding from the guards. Are they real? Are the dead? Is there still music in the world?


The production featured  Lani Cerveris Cataldi and Stark Wilz.


The set was by Lindsay Shields, costumes and make up by Lani Cerveris Cataldi and lights by Bruce A! Kraemer. Visitor Vauban was the stage manager.